India People and Economy



 Class 12 Geography Book – 2
Very Short Answer type questions. (important Questions)
Q1. What do you mean by migration?
Ans. Movement of peoples from one place to another is known as migration.

Q2. Which stream of migration is dominated by male migrants in India?
Ans. Rural to urban stream. Eg.-Employment.

Q3. Define the term “Census”.
Ans. It is conducted by government after 10 years.

Q4. Which factors is responsible for highest immigration to Mumbai?
Ans. Employment, health, education & good facilities.

Q5. Name the countries where large number of people from India has been migrating & why?
Ans. Middle-East, Western Europe, America, Australia and East and South East Asia for better opportunities.

Q6. What is other name of Girmit Act.?
Ans. Indian Emigration Act.

Q7. In Girmit Act. People were migrated for what purpose?
Ans. To work as plantation workers.

Q8. What made India Diaspora one of the most powerful Diaspora?
Ans. Education & Knowledge-based Indian emigration has made Indian Diaspora one of the most powerful Diaspora.

Q9. Which are the two factor of migration?
i) Pull factor:-People migrate from rural to urban area in search of better education, medical Facility and employment.
ii) Push factor: -Poverty, high population pressure on the land, lack of basic infrastructural facilities like health care, Education.

Q10. Why do people migrate from rural to Urban?
What are the pull factors which attracts people from rural to urban?
Ans. Poverty, high population pressure on the land, lack of basic infrastructural facilities like health care, Education, etc.

Q11. What is the main reason of female migration?
Ans. Marriages.

Q12. When was the First census conducted and when it was completed?
Ans. In 1872 the first census conducted and in 1881 it was completed.

Q13. Name the bases in which migration is enumerated in India?
i) Place of birth.
ii) Place of residence.

Q14. As per census 2001 how many people were reported as migrants by the place of birth?
Ans. 307 peoples.

Q15. From which neighbouring country most of the people migrate to our country?
Ans. Bangladesh.
Q16. What was the streams of internal migration?
Ans. i) Rural to rural
ii)  Rural to urban
iii) Urban to urban
iv) Urban to rural                                
streams of internal migration

Q17. Which state in India receives maximum number of immigrant/in -migrants?
Ans. Maharashtra.

Q18. Which factor is responsible for highest migration for Mumbai?
Ans. Economic factor i.e. pull factor.

Q19. Give some push factor which cause people to leave their place of residence?
Ans. Flood, drought, cyclonic storm, earthquake, tsunami, wars & local conflicts.

Q20. What is the main cause of male migration?
Ans. Work & Employment.

Q21. Name one of the major sources of foreign exchange?
Ans. Remittances.

Q22. What is the effect of unregulated migration to the metropolitan cities of India?
Ans. It caused overcrowding and development of slums in industrial developed states.

Q23. What was the demographic consequences of migration?
Ans. High out migration from Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, M.P, and Eastern Maharashtra has brought serious imbalances in age & sex compositions in these states.

Q24. What is the positive contribution of migration?
 Ans. Evolution of composite culture & breaking through the narrow considerations & widens up the mental horizon of the people at large.

 Q25. What was the serious negative consequences of migration?
 Ans. Anonymity, which creates social vacuum & sense of dejection among individuals.

Q26. Migration of human resources particularly highly skilled people from our country to foreign is known as?
And. Brain drain.

 Q27. What is the meaning of internal migration?
Ans. Internal migration means with in the country.

 Q28. What is the meaning of international migration?
 Ans. International migration means out of the country.

 Q29. What is the main causes of females migrating from rural of rural areas?
Ans. Because the female got marriage.

 Q30. Which states of India attract the migrants?
 Ans. Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat and Haryana.

Q31. In which states females cannot migrate after marriage?
Ans. In Meghalaya .

Q32. Which states received significant amounts from their international migrants?
Ans.: The states are Punjab, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Q33. By the British, French, Dutch and Portuguese send the Indian labour to work as Plantation Agriculture at which place?
Ans. By British- U.P and Bihar to Caribbean island, Fiji and South Africa.
By French and Dutch- Martinique and Surinam.
By Portuguese- Goa, Daman and Diu to Angola and Mozambique.

Q34. On which bases the Indian migrations were done during colonial period?
 Ans. During colonial period the Indian migrations were done at the base of GIRMIT ACT.

Q35. Why the Indians were done migration at West Asia in 1970?
Ans. The migrations were done in West Asia at 1970 for increasing the OIL producer.

Q36. The accommodation bill which is send by migrant there uses for which them?
Ans. It is uses for food, shelter, marriage, treatment, payoff taxes, child education and etc.

Q37. What do you mean by Remittance?
Ans. The payment which is send by International migrants and internal migrants at their residence.

Q38. Which urban agglomeration has the highest share of migrant population?
Ans. Mumbai UA.

Q39. What is cause of migration of Indians to other countries?
Ans. Better employment.

BOOK-01: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter  1. Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Chapter  2. The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth).

Chapter  3. Population Composition.

Chapter  4. Human Development.

Chapter  5. Primary Activities.

Chapter  7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities.

Chapter  8. Transport and Communication.

Chapter  9. International Trade.

Chapter  10. Human Settlements.

BOOK- 02: India People and Economy

Chapter  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition.

Chapter  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences.

Chapter  3. Human Development.

Chapter  4. Human Settlements.

Chapter  5. Land Resources and Agriculture.

Chapter  6. Water Resources.

Chapter  7. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter  8. Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Contex.

Chapter  10. Transport And Communication.

Chapter  11. International Trade.

Chapter  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.


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