1. Nature and scope of Human Geography

Class XII,  Geography - book-01- Fundamentals of Human Geography

Very Short Answer type questions.(important Questions)
Q 1. Define Human geography according to Ratzel.
Ans. According to Ratzel. “Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship between human societies & earth’s surface”.
Q 2. What is human geography according to Ms. Ellen C.semple?
Ans. Human geography is the study of “the changing relationship between the unresting man & the unstable earth”.

Q 3. Explain stop and go determinism.
Ans. It is a concept given by Griffith Taylor which reflects a middle path between the ideas of environmental determinism & possibilism.

Q 4. Why is geography known as integrated discipline.
Ans. geography is known as integrated discipline because in this we study about social, political, economics, urban population & settlement together.

Q.5.What is Naturalization of Humans?
Ans. Human activities are controlled and governed by Environment. Human adjustment in the environment with the help of available technology. Example of  Benda lives in Abujh maad area of central India.

Q 6. What is settlement geography, name its sister discipline.
Ans. Its sister discipline are urban/rural planning.

Q 7. Name any two branches / sub – fields of economic geography.
Ans. 1. Geography of Resources.
2. Geography of Agriculture.
3. Geography of Marketing.

Q 8. Name the new approaches of  human geography.
Ans. 1. Exploration & description.
2. Regional analysis.
3. Areal differentiation.
4. Spatial organization.
5. Emergence of humanistic, radical &behavioral school.
6. Post-modernism in geography.

Q 9. Who is written the book of Geographic General?
Ans. Bernhardus vereniu's.

Q 10. Who proposed the concept of  Neo – determinism /  Stop and Go determinism?
Ans. Griffith Taylor (1920).

Q 12. Define Determinism?
Ans.It  refer  to  the  point  of  view  supporting  environmental  control  on  human  action.

Q 13. What do you mean by Possibilism?
Ans. It  refer  to  the  possiblism  in  the  physical  environmental  for  human  to  exploit  of  their  benefits .

Q 14. Write any four approaches of human geography?
Ans. 1. Regional analysis.
2. Exploration.
3. Spatial  organization.
4. Radical.

Q 15. Define human geography?
Ans. Human  geography  studies  the  inter – relationship  between  the  physical  environment  and  socio-cultural environment  created  by  human  beings  through   mutual  interaction  with  each  other .

Q 16. Define environmental determinism?
Ans. The  interaction  between  primitive  human  society  and  strong  force  of  nature  was  termed  as  environmental  determinism.

Q 17. Name any four fields of human geography?
Ans. 1. Social  geography.
2. Economic  geography.
3. Urban  geography.  
4. Population  geography.

Q 18. Who gave the term ‘Areal  Differentiation?
Ans. Richard  Hartshorme.

Q 19. Which approach is also known as descriptive approach?
Ans. Idiographic.

Q 20. Which approaches also known as law making / theorising approach?
Ans. Nomothethic.

Q 21. Write the sub – fields of social geography?
Ans. 1. Behavioural Geography.
2. Cultural Geography.

Q 22. What is the neo-determinism?
 Ans.  Nature can be conquered.

Q 23. Who proposed the concept of determinism/ environmental determinism?
Ans. Friedrich Ratzel.

Q 24. Who proposed the concept of possibilism?
Ans.Vidal de la Blache.

Q 25. Nature provides opportunity and human being make use of these and slowly natures gets humanized and start bearing the imprints of human endeavor.Which term is used in this sentence?
Ans. The term which is used in this sentence is Possibilism.

Q 26. Mention the major side effects of the free moves taken by developed economies?
Ans.1.The Greenhouse effect,
2. Ozone layer depletion,
3. Global warming,
4. Receding glaciers and degrading lands.

Q 27. Which subject is called the mother of all branches of knowledge?
Ans. Geography.

Q 28. What was the approach of Human Geography in colonial period?
Ans. Exploration and description along with regional approach.

Q 29. Name the two branches of political geography.         
Ans. Electoral geography & Military geography.

Q 30. What is qualitative revolution?
Ans. Concerned with the use of computers and sophisticated statistical tools.

Q 31.What is humanization of  Nature?
Ans. Man is treated as an independent and active agent. Everywhere there are possibilities and man is the master of these possibilities. Man can transform nature by cultural and technological knowledge.
Example of kari residing in Trondheim (Norway).

Q 32. Distinguish between regional approach and systematic approach of Geography.
Ans.1. Systematic Approach:- Based on political units.
 2. Regional Approach:- Based on geographical units.

BOOK-01: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter  1. Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Chapter  2. The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth).

Chapter  3. Population Composition.

Chapter  4. Human Development.

Chapter  5. Primary Activities.

Chapter  7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities.

Chapter  8. Transport and Communication.

Chapter  9. International Trade.

Chapter  10. Human Settlements.

BOOK- 02: India People and Economy

Chapter  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition.

Chapter  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences.

Chapter  3. Human Development.

Chapter  4. Human Settlements.

Chapter  5. Land Resources and Agriculture.

Chapter  6. Water Resources.

Chapter  7. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter  8. Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Contex.

Chapter  10. Transport And Communication.

Chapter  11. International Trade.

Chapter  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.


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