India People and Economy. 

Class 12 Geography 

Very Short Answer type questions. (important Questions)


1. What were the two problems of third five year plan in India?
Ans. Droughts and war with Pakistan.

Q 2. What were the two reasons due to which 8th five year plan was delayed?
Ans. Political instability & initiation of liberalisation policy.

Q 3.  In which five year plan of India were hilly area development programmes initiated?
Ans. Fifth five year plan.

Q 4.What are the positive and negative influence of Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation on the Ecology, economy and Society of  Rajasthan ?
Ans. Positive-The availability of soil moisture and various afforestation and pasture development programs have resulted in greening the land.
Negative-The intensive irrigation and excessive use of water has led to the emergence of within environmental problems of water logging and soil salinity.

Q 5. What is command area?
Ans. The area served by a canal system through supply of water for irrigation & other purposes.    

Q 6. Define the concept of sustainable development.
Ans. The sustainable development is a development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own need.

Q 7. Mention one social benefits of ITDP in the Bharmaur tribal region.
Ans. Tremendous increase in literacy rate.

Q 8. What is the source of Indira Gandhi canal?
Ans. Harike Barrage ( Satluj & Beas River) In Punjab.


Q 9. Give one salient features of  Hill area development programme.
Ans.This programme aims at harnessing the indigenous resources of the hill area through Development of horticulture, plantation agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry, forestry & small-scale & village industry.

Q 10. How is planning in recent times different from the traditional planning methods?
Ans. Planning in recent times is different from traditional hit and methods by which reforms and constructions are often undertaken.     
Q 12. Mention two factors which have adversely influenced in Bharmaur Tribal region?
Ans. 1. Decline in pastoralism.
2. Speedy rise in poverty.

Q 13. What does plan teach us?
Ans. Plan teaches us to execute the works systematically and in a scientific manner.

Q 14. Name the stages which planning process goes through?
ANS .1. Thinking.
2. Formulation of scheme or a programme.
3. Implementation of a set of actions to achieve to some goals.

Q 15.Who was the first to suggest a plan for economic development of India?
Ans. Sir.  M. Vishweshwaraya.

Q 16.When was the Planning Commission constituted?
Ans. 1950.

Q 17. What is the full Form of ITDP?
Ans. Integrated Tribal Development Programme (1974).

Q 18.  In which year was the concept of Sustainable Development Introduced?
Ans. 1987.

Q 19. What is sectoral  planning?
Ans. Development of various sectors of the economy.

Q 20. By whom and in which year the concept of  Indira Gandhi Canal was conceived?
Ans. Kanwar Sain in 1948.

Q 21. What are the two approaches of planning?
Ans.1.Sectoral planning.
2. Regional  planning.

Q. 22 Name the four physiographic Bharmaur Region?
Ans. Khani Area, Tundah Area, Holi Area, Kugit Area.

Q 23.Who is the author of “The Population Bomb”?
Ans. Ehrlich in 1968.

Q 24. What do you understand by planning?
Ans. Planning is the process of involving a sequence of actions which are designed to solve problems in future.


Q 25. During which plan period Hill area development programme was initiated?
Ans. Fifth five year plan (1974)
Q 26.Which major programme was initiated in fourth five year plan?
Ans. Drought prone area plan.

Q 27. What is the name of tribal people living in Bharmaur region of Himachal Pradesh?
Ans. Gaddi.

Q 28. Full form of DDP and  What is the purpose of DDP?
Ans. Drought prone area development programme.
1. To reduce the effect of drought.
2. To initiate irrigation projects.

Q 29. What is the concept of Sustainable Development?
Ans.The concept of sustainable development refers to development in such a way that it does not harm the environment and meets with the requirements of present and future generations.

Q 30. What are the objectives of  ITDP?
Ans. 1. Schools, health services, drinking water, roads and means of communication have been developed in this region.
2. Female literacy rate has been increased.

Q 31.What do you understand by Hill area development programme?
Ans. 1.These programmes aimed at the development of horticulture, plantation agriculture, poultry small scale & village industry.

Q 32. Write any two names of target area planning?
Ans.1. Command area development programme.
2. Drought prone area development programmes.
3. Hill area development programmes.

Q 33. When was the first five year plan launched?
Ans. 1951 (1951-52 to 1955-56).

Q 34. When was the fourth and fifth five year plan started?
Ans. 1. Fourth: 1969-70 to 1973-74.                    
2. Fifth: 1974-75 to 1977-78.

Q 35. Which was the last five-year plan in India?
Ans. 12th– 2012-17.

Q 36. In which year plan termed as rolling plan?

Q 37.When Drought prone area programme was launched?
Ans. In the fourth five year plan.

Q 38.What is the height of the hill areas?
What should be the height of an area in the hill area development programme?
Ans. 600 km.

Q 39.On what does the economic development of a Region depends upon?
Ans. 1. Resources base.
2. Technology.
3. Investment.

Q 40. Suggest the measures of promotion of Sustainability in Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area?
Ans. 1.Cropping pattern shall not include water intensive crops.
2. Equal distribution of Canal Water.

Q.41. Name the two publications associated with sustainable development.
Ans. 1. ‘The Limits to Growth’ by Meadows.
2. ‘The Population Bomb’ by Ehrlich in 1968.

Q.42. What was the name of  Brundt land Report?
Ans.Our Common Future”

Q.43 When was NITI Aayog formed?
When did NITI Aayog replace the Planning Commission?
Ans. 1st January 2015.

Q.44. How much area can be irrigated in drought prone areas?
Ans.  Less than - 30%

Q.45. Examine the twin environmental problems that have emerged in the ‘Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area’.
Ans.  1. Soil salinity. 2. Water logging.

Q.46. In how many districts, drought prone areas have been identified-
Ans.  67 Districts.

Q.47. What WCED stands for?
Ans.  World Commission on Environment and Development.

Q.48. What do you mean by Regional Planning?
Ans. Regional planning means formulation and implementation of schemes or programmes for the development of backward region to reduce regional imbalance in the development.

 Q.49. Write any two names of target group planning?
Ans. 1. Small farmer’s development.
2. Marginal farmer’s development.

BOOK-01: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter  1. Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Chapter  2. The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth).

Chapter  3. Population Composition.

Chapter  4. Human Development.

Chapter  5. Primary Activities.

Chapter  7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities.

Chapter  8. Transport and Communication.

Chapter  9. International Trade.

Chapter  10. Human Settlements.

BOOK- 02: India People and Economy

Chapter  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition.

Chapter  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences.

Chapter  3. Human Development.

Chapter  4. Human Settlements.

Chapter  5. Land Resources and Agriculture.

Chapter  6. Water Resources.

Chapter  7. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter  8. Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Contex.

Chapter  10. Transport And Communication.

Chapter  11. International Trade.

Chapter  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.


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