Class 12 Geography Book – 01

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Transport and Communication
Very Short Answer type questions. (important Questions)

Q1.  Full form of  W.W.W.?
Ans. World Wide Web.

Q2. Full form of OFC.
Ans. Optic Fibre Cables.

Q3. What is Trans-Continental Railways?
Ans. Trans –Continental railways run across the continent and link its two ends. They were constructed for economic and political reasons to facilitate long runs in different directions.
E.g. Trans- Siberian railways and Trans-Canadian railways.

Q 4.Which is the busiest ocean route in the world?
Ans. The north Atlantic sea route.

Q 5. Which country has dense network of oil pipe line?
 Ans. U.S.A.

Q6. What is Pan- American highway?
Ans. Pan- American highway is a large portion which connects the countries of South America, Central America and U.S.A-Canada.

Q7. What are Pack animals?
Ans. Pack animals are those animals which are used for transportation in early life.

Q8. Name the latest satellite sends by India in the space.
Ans. G-Set  and  IRNS.

Q9. Name the ports located on both terminals of Suez Canal.
Ans. Port said in the north (in Mediterranean Sea) and  port Suez in the south (Red sea).

Q10. Name two terminals of the 'Orient Express'.
 Ans. Paris(France) to Istanbul (Turkey).

Q11. Name the terminal stations of the longest railway route in the world?
Ans. Trans- Siberian railways: - St. Petersburg (West coast) and Vladivostok (East Coast).

Q12. Name the terminal stations of Trans Canadian railway?                                     
Ans. Vancouver (West coast) and Halifax (East Coast).

Q13. Name the inland waterway of Europe that connects Rotterdam and Basel?
Ans. The Rhine Waterway.

Q14. Name the navigational canal that serves the gateway of commerce for the continents of Asia and Europe?
Ans. The Suez Canal.

Q15. Name the two major inland waterways of North America.
 Ans. Mississippi and St. Lawrence.

Q16. Which are the two major regions of the world having very dense network of Airways?
Ans. Eastern North America and Western Europe

Q17. Which ship canal connects the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean?
Ans.The Panama Canal.

Q18. Which country has the highest road density in the world?
 Ans. Japan. (327 for every 100 km2 area)

Q19. Which county has the highest density of railway network?    
Ans. U.S.A

Q20. Which is the longest Pipeline of the world?
Ans. Comecon.

Q21. Which two places are connected by Channel Tunnel?
Ans. Paris to London (U.K & France.)

Q22. Which canal connects Volga with Black Sea?      
Ans. Volga Don Canal.

Q23. Name a proposed Pipeline in Asia?
Ans. Iran- Pakistan-India Oil and Natural Gas pipeline.

Q 24. Give Full Form of APPLE.
 Ans.  Ariane  Passenger  Payload Experiment.

Q25. Define the term ‘Transport Network’?
Ans. Transport Network is the spatial arrangement of network that describe a structure of roads and streets, railways, pipes and power lines.

Q26.Which highways connect all major cities in China?
Ans. Criss-cross.

Q27. In which country motorways is named as autobahns?
 Ans. Germany.

Q28. Name the famous petroleum pipeline which connects the oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico to the North Eastern states in USA.
Ans. Big Inch.

Q29. What is the reason of lack of air service in Africa, Asiatic part of Russia and South America?
Ans. Because there are limited air service between 100-35latitudes in the Southern hemisphere due to sparser population, limited landmass and economic development.

Q30. What is Palki / Doli (Kahars in North India)?
Ans.  At the time of farewell a bride is carried in a palanquin / Doli by four persons.

Q31. Name the terminal stations of Trans-Canadian Highway.
Ans. Vancouver  (West coast) and St. John’s in Newfoundland (East Coast).

Q32. In which continent Blue train running?
Ans.  South Africa.(Between Pretoria to Cape Town).

Q33. Which material is transported by 'Big Inch' pipeline?
 Ans. Petroleum oil and natural gas.

Q34. In which countries the standard gauge is used?
Ans. U.K.

Q35.What is an Internet?
Ans. An Internet is a powerful medium of collecting information from the computer.

Q36. Which two seas are connected by the Suez Canal?
Ans. The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Q37. List the factors which affect the inland water transport?
Ans. 1. Navigability of the water body/channel, Continuity in the water flow, Transport technology in use.

Q38. Why is Road transport better than rail transport?
Ans. 1.Construction and maintenance is cheaper than railways.
2. Provides "Door to Door" services.

Q39. In Glacial area which animal use as a transport?
Ans. 1. Dogs.        
2. Raindeer.

Q40. Volga sea route situated in which country?
Ans. In Russia.

Q41. When you travel from Mumbai to New York which sea route you choose and why?
Ans. Mediterranean sea route – Ocean sea route, North Atlantic sea route.
Reasons: Take less time, Small route for travel, consume less distance between both cities.

Q42. Where the Benguela railway route situated?
Ans. Africa (Angola to Katanga- Zambia belt).

Q43. Name the inland waterway of Europe that connects Rotterdam and Basel.
Ans. The Rhine Waterways.

Q44. Give the significance of river St. Lawrence as an inland waterway.
Ans. St. Lawrence waterway serves the most important industrial regions of U.S.A. and Canada.

BOOK-01: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter  1. Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Chapter  2. The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth).

Chapter  3. Population Composition.

Chapter  4. Human Development.

Chapter  5. Primary Activities.

Chapter  7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities.

Chapter  8. Transport and Communication.

Chapter  9. International Trade.

Chapter  10. Human Settlements.

BOOK- 02: India People and Economy

Chapter  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition.

Chapter  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences.

Chapter  3. Human Development.

Chapter  4. Human Settlements.

Chapter  5. Land Resources and Agriculture.

Chapter  6. Water Resources.

Chapter  7. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter  8. Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Contex.

Chapter  10. Transport And Communication.

Chapter  11. International Trade.

Chapter  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.


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