12. Geographical perspective on selected issues and problems.

Class 12 Geography Book - 2 : India People and Economy.


Very Short Answer type questions.(important Questions)


Q 1. What do you mean by water pollution?
Ans. When the amount of foreign undesirable substances are added by human to the water beyond its self-purifying capacity it gets polluted.

Q 2. Define the term pollution.
Ans. It is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, land & water.
Q 3. Name two greenhouse gases causing depletion of ozone.
Ans. CFCs  &  Methane.

Q 4.Name any two sources of noise pollution..
Ans. Loudspeakers & noise of air crafts.

Q 5. What is acid rain?
Ans. A type of precipitation made up of dilute acids, primarily by products of heavy industries ( SO2 + NO2 ).

Q 6. Which is the largest slum of Asia?
Ans. Dharavi in Mumbai.

Q 7. Name the India’s most polluted river.
Ans. Yamuna.

Q 8. Name any two diseases caused by water pollution.
Ans. Diarrhoea, intestinal worms and hepatitis.

Q 9. What are two main causes of land degradation in India?
Ans. i. Excess use of chemicals & fertilizers.
ii. Deforestation.

Q 10.Write any two main problems of slum areas.
Ans. 1. Poor hygienic conditions.
2. Dilapidated houses.
3. Least choice.
4. Over crowed.

Q 11. What are the types of pollution?
Ans. 1.Air  pollution
2. Water  pollution   
3. Land pollution
4. Noise pollution.

Q 12. Which pollution is the cause of Acid rain?
Ans. Air  Pollution.

Q 13. Which diseases are caused due to air pollution?
Ans. Respiratory Nervous and circulatory systems this causes diseases.

Q 14.What is noise pollution?
Ans. Noise  pollution  refers  to  the  state  of  unfavorable  and  uncomfortable  to  human  beings.

Q 15. Mention major problems associated with urban waste disposal in India.
Ans.1. Growing  population.
2. Slow administrative action.
3. Loss of health.

Q 16. What percentage of the population lives in urban areas in world?
Ans. 47%.

Q 17. What is the land degradation?
Ans. Land degradation refers to the process both natural and man made which makes lands unfertile or unfit for use.

Q 18.What is the unit of measuring noise?
Ans. Decibels [dB].

Q 19. How  is  planning  in  recent  times  different  from  the  traditional  planning  methods?
Ans. Planning in recent times is different from traditional hit- and- miss methods by which reforms and reconstruction are often undertaken.

Q 20. On  what  does  the  economic  development  of  a  region  depends  upon?
Ans.1. Resource base.     
2. Technology.
3. Investment.

Q 21. What does plan teach us?
Ans. Plan  teaches  us  to  execute  the  works  systematically  and  in  a  scientific  manner .

Q 22. Name the stages which planning process goes through?
Ans.1. Thinking.
2. Formulation of a scheme or a programme.
3. Implementation of a set of actions to achieve some goals.

Q 23. Urban Waste disposal formed from?
Ans. 1.Household or Domestic establishment,
2.Industry or Commercial establishment.

Q 24. What is Panchpatmalai famous for?
Ans. Bauxite Mine and Noise monitoring.

Q 25. What do you understand by Ninety-foot road?
Ans. Only one main road traverses the slum, the miscalled ninety-foot road, which has been reduced to less than half of that for most of its length.

Q 26. In which place the bheel tribal were found?  
Ans. Jhabua [M.P] or Rajasthan.

Q 27. Which stretch of  Yamuna River is most polluted?
Ans. Delhi  to  Etawa.

Q 28. What are the causes of Land - Degradation in India? Suggest measures for its reduction?
Ans. Causes of Land degradation:-
(a) Soil erosion.
(b) Flood and drought.
(c) Deforestation.
Measures for reduction:-
(a) Afforestation.
(b) Water shed Management.
(c) Scientific waste disposal.

BOOK-01: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter  1. Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Chapter  2. The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth).

Chapter  3. Population Composition.

Chapter  4. Human Development.

Chapter  5. Primary Activities.

Chapter  7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities.

Chapter  8. Transport and Communication.

Chapter  9. International Trade.

Chapter  10. Human Settlements.

BOOK- 02: India People and Economy

Chapter  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition.

Chapter  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences.

Chapter  3. Human Development.

Chapter  4. Human Settlements.

Chapter  5. Land Resources and Agriculture.

Chapter  6. Water Resources.

Chapter  7. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter  8. Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Contex.

Chapter  10. Transport And Communication.

Chapter  11. International Trade.

Chapter  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.


      MAP WORK      .



     Practical file work   . 

1. Practical file work ( English medium )