The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth)

Class 12 Geography Book -01
Fundamentals of Human Geography
Very Short Answer type questions. (important Questions)
Q1. What is the doubling time of population?
Ans. Time taken by a country to double its population is known as doubling time of population.

Q2 . Describe the growth rate of population.
Ans. The population growth refers to the change in number of inhabitants of a territory during a specific period of time.

Q3. Give two examples of low density areas.
Ans. Hot and cold desert Area, polar area& equatorial Region.

Q4.  Name the country with highest population in the world.
Ans. China.


Q5. Define Fertility.
Ans. The term fertility refers to the occurrence of live births among a defined population.

Q6. What are two features of 1st stage of demographic transition?
Ans. High fluctuating, illiteracy& rural agrarian society.

Q7. Which continent has lowest growth rate of population in world?
 Ans. Europe.

Q8. What is in-migration / [Im–migration]?
Ans. Migrants who move into a new place are called in-migration.

Q9. What is Out – migration( Em-migration ) ?
Ans. Migrants who move out of a place are called out migration.

Q10. What are the negative impacts declining of population change?
Ans. Lack of utilization of resources. Decrease in working population hinders societal, economic and scientific & technological development.

Q11. Which Continent has the highest population growth in the world?
Ans. Africa.

Q12. Name  a  mineral  belt  which  has  to  dense  population?
Ans. Katanga – Zambia [Copper belt].

Q13. Name the three components of population change?
Ans. Migration, Birth rate, Death rate.

Q14. Which  country  in  the  world  has  highest  growth  rate  of  population?
Ans. 1nd- Liberia.
Latest: - South Sudan.

Q15. What is the Density of the world?
Ans. 47 persons per /sq. km.

Q16. What are the positive impact increasing of population change?
Ans. Good for an expanding economy. Helpful in better utilization of resources.

Q17. Name the countries which have highest and lowest sex ratio in the world?
Ans. 1. Highest – Latvia [1187],
2. Lowest – UAE.

Q18. Which age group of population is economically most important?
Ans. The age group of 15 – 59 year is economically most important.

Q19. Give two examples of high density areas.
Ans. Eastern coastal region of North America, South and South East Asia.

Q20. What is the growth rate of world’s population?
 Ans. 1 % Per cent.

Q21. What is the trend of population growth in third stage of demographic transition?
Ans. Stable, zero or even negative.

Q22. Why has life expectancy been reduced and death rate increase in some developing countries of Africa or Asia?                                 
Ans. Due to deadly diseases like HIV / AIDS.

Q23. Migrants who move into a new place are called?
 Ans. Immigrants/in-migration.

Q24. What is Birth Rate and Give its formulae?
Ans. Birth rate refers to the number of the children born per thousand in a year.
CBR=Bi/P*1000 (CBR= Crude Birth Rate).

Q25. What is Death Rate and give its Formulae?
Ans. Death rate refers to the number of children dying per thousand in a year.
CDR=D/P *1000 (CDR= Crude death rate).

Q26. Why is population growth high in second stage of demographic transition?
Ans. High birth rate and low death rate.

Q27. What are the measures to control the population?
Ans. 1.Spacing or preventing the birth of children,
2. Improving women’s health.
3. Free availability of contraceptives and tax disincentives for large families.

Q28. The sparse populations were found in hills and mountainous. Why?
Ans. Due to not being friendly for transportation machinery, agricultural and industrial.

Q29. How much population continent Asia shares?    
Ans. 60 %.

Q30. Why the Kobe- Osaka region of japan was thickly populated?
Ans. Because of the presence of a number of industries.

Q31. What is meant by Demographic Transition?
Ans. To predict the future population of an area, demographic transition theory can be used. This theory explains 3 staged model of demographic transition.


Q32. What are the negative impacts increasing of population change?
Ans.1.Environmental degradation,
2. Increase in poverty,
3. Deprivation and unemployment.

Q33. Why the densely population were found in Mediterranean region?
Ans. Due to pleasant and exquisite climate.

BOOK-01: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter  1. Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Chapter  2. The World Population (Distribution, Density and Growth).

Chapter  3. Population Composition.

Chapter  4. Human Development.

Chapter  5. Primary Activities.

Chapter  7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities.

Chapter  8. Transport and Communication.

Chapter  9. International Trade.

Chapter  10. Human Settlements.

BOOK- 02: India People and Economy

Chapter  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition.

Chapter  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences.

Chapter  3. Human Development.

Chapter  4. Human Settlements.

Chapter  5. Land Resources and Agriculture.

Chapter  6. Water Resources.

Chapter  7. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter  8. Manufacturing Industries.

Chapter  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Contex.

Chapter  10. Transport And Communication.

Chapter  11. International Trade.

Chapter  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems.


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