6. Manufacturing Industries


Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6. Manufacturing Industries.
Q.1. In 1857 where the first cotton mill of India was founded
A) Mysore
B ) Madras
C) Surat
D) Bombay
Q.2. Largest producer of Jute and Jute made goods
A) Bangladesh 
B) India
C) Sri Lanka
D) Brazil
Q.3. Iron and steel is a
A) an agro base industry
B) a chemical industry
C) basic industry
D) tertiary industry
Q.4. Durgapur is situated in
A) Jharkhand
B) Orissa
C) Chhattisgarh
D) West Bengal
Q.5 Chemical industries usually are located near
A) Iron and steel industries
B) Thermal power plant
C) Oil refineries
D) Automobile industry

Q.6. S.T.P is the Abbreviation of
A) System tech park
B) Software Technology Park
C) State thermal plant
D) Software Technology Picket
Q.7.  NTPC is the Abbreviation of
A) National Textile Production Company 
B) National Technology Production Company
C) National Thermal Power Corporation 
 D) National Tuberculosis Prevention Corporation
Q.8. Atomic power plant causes
A) Water Pollution
B) Noise Pollution
C) Air Pollution
D) Heat Pollution
Q.9. Manufacturing industries includes
A) Crop production
B) Fish production       
C) Plantation
D) Sugar Production
Q.10. Manufacturing industries includes
A) Converting raw material into ready good
B) Transporting raw material
C) Producing raw material
D) Procuring raw material
Q.1 “Industrialisation and urbanization go hand in hand”. Explain.
Ans:-  1.Cities provide market and also provide services such as banking, insurances, transport, labour, consultants and financial advice etc. to the industries.
2. Industrial workers need houses and other facilities. The provision of these facilities can convert a small town into big cities.
Q.2 What is an agglomeration economy?
Ans:- Cities provide market and other facilities like banking, insurance, transport, labour, consultants, and financial advice etc.  to the industry. Many industries tend to come together to make, use of the advantages offered by the urban institutions. This is known as agglomeration economies.
Q.3 Name three physical factors and three human factors that affect the location of industries.
Ans:- Physical factors and three human factors that affect the location of industries are:
1. Availability of raw materials
2. Availability of power resources
3. Suitable climate
4. Availability of water 

Human factors that affect the location of industries are:
A. Availability of labour  
B. Availability of market
C. Government policies

Q.4.What is the large scale and small scale industries? Give examples.
Ans:- Those industries that employs large number of workers in each unit and having large  production level are known as large scale industries. e.g. cotton textile industry. The industry that employs small number of workers in each unit and having small production level is known as small scale industry. e.g. readymade garment industries.

Q.1. Which factors are responsible for the decentralization of cotton textile mills in India?
Ans:-1. Cotton textiles have a very high demand throughout the country.
2. Major inputs like banking, electricity, transportation are available in almost every part of the country.
3. Textile industry is labour intensive industry and labour is easily available in India.
4. Textile industry requires less technological inputs and can be carried out using simple tools and machines.
Q.2. Cotton textile industry has close links with agriculture. Explain.
Ans:- 1. The industry has close links with agriculture and provides a living to farmers, cotton bull pluckers and workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing, packaging, tailoring and sewing.
2. Agriculture provides raw material to the industry i.e. raw cotton.
Q.3 What are the major problems of cotton textile industry?       
Ans:-1. Lack of good quality long staple cotton.
2. Erratic power supply.
3. Out dated machinery and technology.
4. Low output of workers.
5. Stiff international competition.
Q.4. What were the major objectives of National Jute Policy 2005? Why is the internal demand for jute increasing?
Ans:- 1. To increase the productivity
2. To improve the quality
3. Ensuring good prices to the jute farmers
4. Enhancing the yield per hectare 
The internal demand for jute has been on the increase because - 
A. Government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging.
B. The growing global concern for environment friendly biodegradable materials.
Q.5 India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world yet, we are not able to perform to our full potential. Give any four reasons.
Ans:- 1. High Costs and Limited availability of coking coal.
2. Lower productivity of labour.
3. Shortage of power.
4. Poor infrastructure.
5. Low Investment in Research and Development.

Q.6.Why is iron and steel industry called a basic industry?
Ans:- Iron and steel industry is called the basic industry because:
1. It is the industry which lays the foundation of rapid development of other industries such as heavy Engineering, defence equipment, automobiles, aeroplanes etc.
2. It is also helpful in providing employment.
3. It also helps in the development of agriculture.
Q.7. What is importance of the manufacturing industries?
Ans:- 1. Employment generation: Manufacturing industry is the main source of employment for large number of skilled as well as unskilled workers.
2. Foreign exchange: Export of manufactured goods bring foreign exchange to India.
3. Reduction of pressure on land: Manufacturing industry produces products of daily needs and helps the common people to fulfill their basic needs. It reduces pressure on agricultural sector for employment.
4. Removal of economic problems: Industrial development is a precondition for the removal of economic problems like poverty, unemployment and economic inequality. It also helps in bringing down regional disparities by establishing industries in tribal and backward areas.
Q.8. What is the importance of Jute Industry?
Ans:-1. Employment- The jute industry supports 2 61 Lakh workers directly another 40 lakh small and marginal farmers who are engaged in cultivation of jute and Mesta.
2. Products: Jute industry provides products of daily use like jute bags, ropes, mats etc.
3. Foreign Exchange: Exports of raw jute and manufactured goods bring foreign exchange
4. Promotion of Small Scale Industry: Many products of the jute industry are manufactured by cottage and small scale industry. So it promotes decentralization of industry.

Q.9. The sugar industry is now shifting from north to south. Mention main reasons.
Ans:- North India is regarded as the main centre of the sugar industry and Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer. Over the time the sugar industry is shifting towards south India. The main reasons behind shifting of the sugar industry towards south India are:
1. The sugar contents in the cane is higher i.e. 10.5% in Maharashtra and other southern states.
2. Climate   is suitable for the cultivation of sugarcane.
3. South has better export facilities as compared to North.
4. Cooperative sugar mills are more successful in management in south India.
5. The Peninsular climate helps to extend the crushing season by two months in the south India than north India.

 Important map:- 

1.  iron-and-steel-plant-of-India-map


2. Software-technology-park-of-India-map


3. Textile-industries-of india-map
textile-industries-of india-map