The Earth in the Solar System

Chapter 1

1. Answer the following questions briefly.

 (a) How does a planet Differences from a star?

Ans. (a) Differences between a planet and a star:

(b) What is meant by the ‘Solar System’?

Ans. The term Solar System refers to the “family” of the Sun. The Sun is a star around which eight planets, among other celestial objects, revolve in orbits. This whole system of bodies is called the Solar System. The Sun is the “head” of this system.

(c) Name all the planets according to their distance from the sun

Ans. The list of planets in the order of their distance from the Sun is as follows:

Mercury ,  Venus  ,  Earth  ,  Mars  ,  Jupiter ,  Saturn  Uranus , Neptune

(d) Why is the Earth called a unique planet?

Ans. The Earth is regarded as a unique planet because of the following reasons:

It is the only planet known to support life. It has oxygen and water present in proportions that allow life to thrive. It also has a temperature range that supports life. The proportion of water present is about two-thirds of the surface of the earth when compared to land.

(e) Why do we see only one side of the moon always?

Ans. One revolution of the moon around the earth takes about 27 days. Incidentally, the moon’s rotation about its own axis also takes nearly the same time. One day of the moon is equal to 27 Earth days. So only one side of the moon can be seen from the earth.

(f) What is the Universe?

Ans. The Universe is the largest unit in which we live. It is a collection of galaxies. There is only one Universe and everything that exists in this Universe itself.

2. Tick the correct answer.

(a) The planet is known as the “Earth’s Twin” is
(i)  Jupiter        (ii) Saturn         (iii) Venus.

(b) Which is the third nearest planet to the sun?
(i) Venus         (ii) Earth       (iii) Mercury.

(c) All the planets move around the sun in a
(i) Circular path        (ii) Rectangular  path       (iii) Elongated path

(d) The Pole Star indicates the direction to the
(i) South         (ii) North           (iii) East.
(e) Asteroids are found between the orbits of
(i)  Saturn and Jupiter   (ii) Mars and Jupiter   (iii) The Earth and Mars.

Answers- (a)—(iii), (b)—(ii), (c)—(iii), (d)—(ii), (e)—(ii).

3. Fill in the blanks.

1. A group of…….. forming various patterns is called a ………….

2. A huge system of stars is called ……………

3. ……….. is the closest celestial body to our earth.

4. ……….  is the third nearest planet to the sun.

5. Planets do not have their own ………… and ……….

Ans.  1. stars, constellation    2. galaxy    3.The moon       
       4. The earth         5.heat, light.


1.What is “Geoid”?
Ans.A sphere with its ends flattened at poles (just like earth) is called the geoid.
2. Why is earth called “blue planet”?
Ans. Earth appears blue from when seen from the outer space since it has over 2/3rd water. So it is called the blue planet.

                                                         मेरा अनमोल बचपन की कहानी   

3. What are asteroids?
Ans.Asteroids are the numerous tiny celestial bodies which revolve around the sun and are mainly found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
4.. What is a meteoroid?
Ans. Small pieces of rocks which move around the sun are called meteoroids.

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